Engineering Disciplines in Project Execution

December 7, 2023
Detail Engineering & Design

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Multi-discipline EPC projects require many different types of people with various skill sets who can work together in an integrated fashion to deliver the project on time and on budget.  

This article gives an overview of the roles and responsibilities of the various engineering disciplines in project execution for EPC project teams.

Understanding the Roles and Responsibilities of Engineering Disciplines in Project Execution

Whether small or large, for any project executed inside an existing facility, the following items, at minimum, are required prior to the execution phase of the project:

  • Complete project piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID)
  • Major equipment drawings and specifications
  • Preliminary equipment layout drawings
  • Existing infrastructure surveys (as needed throughout the project)

Engineering Team During Detail Design: Common Disciplines

The following engineering and design disciplines are involved in most multidiscipline EPC projects during the execution phase: civil/structural, piping, mechanical, and instrumentation/electrical/controls (IEC). 

The process engineering team will be involved as necessary to confirm design details or basis, but most of their work happens at the beginning of the project. Other specialties will be involved as necessary (e.g., fire protection), but for the bulk of the work, the aforementioned “three” groups represent the highest percentage of required labor hours.

Civil/Structural Engineering and Design

This team is responsible for the design and engineering of:

  • Groundwork
  • Drainage
  • Foundations
  • Steel supports and structures

To begin detail design work, the civil/structural engineering and design discipline will typically need:

  • Soil samples/geotechnical investigations
  • Existing drawings
  • Equipment weights 

Piping Design and Engineering

Piping designers are responsible for:

  • Determining equipment locations in the plant
  • 3D models of piping
  • Locating nozzles on equipment

Piping engineers are responsible for:

  • Stress analysis (finite elements analysis, or FEA) of piping systems 
  • Piping specifications

To begin detail design work, the piping engineering and design discipline will typically need:

  • Complete project P&IDs
  • Line list with piping sizes and process conditions

Instrument, Controls, and Electrical Design

The instrumentation, controls, and electrical disciplines are responsible for the following on the project:

  • Instruments
  • Cause and effect diagrams
  • Loop diagrams
  • Automation
  • Power systems and distribution designs
  • Load studies

To begin work, this discipline needs instrument requirements/specifications, control philosophy, and engineering specifications. It also requires existing plant drawings or information, such as available:

  • One-line diagrams (also known as an electrical single-line diagram [SLD])
  • Power sources
  • Input/output information

Process/Mechanical Engineering

Most process and mechanical engineering should have been done prior to detail design when equipment is being identified and specified, and process and mechanical data sheets are filled out. However, process and/or mechanical duties during detail design may include:

  • Conformance verification of the final design with the design basis. For instance, a hydraulic analysis may be necessary to confirm initial assumptions after equipment is located and piping is routed.
  • Any details that have been left until the detail design phase (relief valve calculations/specifications, vendor drawing reviews, etc.)

Project Team Composition

The project team will vary depending on project specifics, but a simple rule of thumb for a typical project is a labor hour composition of civil/structural (25%), piping (50%), and IEC (25%). Note that this can vary greatly depending on the unique characteristics of the project.  

Pie chart of a typical project team/labor hour composition.

In addition to the core Engineering Disciplines in Project Execution, typical roles for the engineering phase of an EPC project will include:

  • Project Manager: The project manager provides overall scope, schedule, and budget control for the project.
  • Project Engineer: The project engineer works for the project manager and provides a technical interface among the engineering disciplines, clients, and vendors.

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